© 2025 ProgM

Element 4465: Adjustment reason description code

NameAdjustment reason description code
BeschreibungCode specifying the adjustment reason.


1Agreed settlement
10Costs for draft
100Incorrect product identification
101New employee
102Employee retirement
103Salary change
104Parental leave
11Bank charges
12Agent commission
13Counter claim
14Wrong delivery
15Goods returned to agent
16Goods partly returned
17Transport damage
18Goods on consignment
19Trade discount
2Below specification goods
20Deduction for late delivery
21Advertising costs
22Customs duties
23Telephone and postal costs
24Repair costs
25Attorney fees
27Reclaimed deduction
28See separate advice
29Buyer refused to take delivery
3Damaged goods
30Direct payment to seller
31Buyer disagrees with due date
32Goods not delivered
33Late delivery
34Quoted as paid to you
35Goods returned
36Invoice not received
37Credit note to debtor/not to us
38Deducted bonus
39Deducted discount
4Short delivery
40Deducted freight costs
41Deduction against other invoices
42Credit balance(s)
43Reason unknown
44Awaiting message from seller
45Debit note to seller
46Discount beyond terms
47See buyer's letter
48Allowance/charge error
49Substitute product
5Price query
50Terms of sale error
51Required data missing
52Wrong invoice
53Duplicate invoice
54Weight error
55Additional charge not authorized
56Incorrect discount
57Price change
6Proof of delivery required
61Indirect payment
62Financial reassignment
63Reinstatement of chargeback/offset
64Expecting new terms
65Settlement to agent
66Cash discount
67Delcredere costs
68Early payment allowance adjustment
69Incorrect due date for monetary amount
7Payment on account
70Wrong monetary amount resulting from incorrect free goods
71Rack or shelf replenishment service by a supplier
72Temporary special promotion
73Difference in tax rate
74Quantity discount
75Promotion discount
76Cancellation deadline passed
77Pricing discount
78Volume discount
79Sundry discount
8Returnable container charge included
80Card holder signature missing
81Card expiry date missing
82Card number error
83Card expired
84Test card transaction
85Permission limit exceeded
86Wrong authorisation code
87Wrong authorised amount
88Authorisation failed
89Card acceptor data error
9Invoice error
90Treasury management service charge
91Agreed discount
92Expediting fee
93Invoicing fee
94Freight charge
95Small order processing service charge
96Currency exchange differences
98Incorrect references
99Incorrect identification of the buyer
ZZZMutually defined