© 2025 ProgM

Element 5245: Percentage type code qualifier

NamePercentage type code qualifier
BeschreibungCode qualifying the type of percentage.


10Bureau share
100Shareholders' return ratio
101Contracts obtained by bid
102Contracts obtained by negotiation
103Cost plus basis
104Lump sum payments
105Purchases on letter of credit
106Purchases on floor plan
107Change in sales
108Change in profit
11Buffer stock requirement
110Interest on liabilities
111Risk margin
112Liability ratio
113Interest cover
116Market share
117Owned by small shareholders
118Paid in capital
119Previous participation
120Fixed fee
121Asset turnover
122Percentage of total payment
123Territorial trade percent
124Change in taxable income
125Sales by type of customer
126Previous period percent of total
127Minority interest return on equity
128Change in ordinary income
129Net sales to fixed assets
13Amount tolerance
130Total liabilities to total assets
131Profit percentage
132Contractor above cost share
133Contractor below cost share
134Current liabilities to total liabilities
135Current assets to total liabilities
136Vessel experience factor
137Vessel load ratio
138Vessel discharge ratio
139National average percentile
14Percentage of note
140Industry average percentile
141Non-current assets to net worth
142Non-current assets to total assets
143Sales to current assets
144Working capital to sales
145Creditors to sales costs
147Percentage of months before an instalment
148Accounts receivable turnover
149Employee costs to value added ratio
15Penalty percentage
150Interest payable to net sales ratio
151Inventory to cost of goods sold ratio
152Liquid assets to sales ratio
153Return on value added ratio
154Daily working capital need
155Financial expenses to net sales ratio
157Probability of financial distress
159Nestable percentage
16Interest percentage
160Data reliability percentage
161Transport weight completed
162Transport volume completed
163Percentage of order
17Part of documentary credit amount
18Percentage credit note
19Percentage debit note
20Percentage of insurance
21Own risk percentage
22Transferred VAT percentage
23Part time employment
24Voluntary contribution
25Attribute factor
26Additional contribution
27Benefits allocation
28Attribute classification
29Renegotiation trigger upper limit
3Monetary amount adjustment percentage
30Renegotiation trigger lower limit
31Material reduction factor
32Acceptable price difference
33Share of buyer's total requirement
34Price increase
35Share of tool cost paid by buyer
36Volume capacity usage
37Weight capacity usage
38Loading length capacity usage
39Share of packaging cost paid by vendor
4Reinsurer's share
40Reduction percentage
41Surcharge percentage
42Local content
44Gross turnover commission
45Progress payment percentage
47Prepaid payment percentage
48Percentage of work completed
49Underwriting rating
5Entry percentage
50Mortgage interest rate
51Maximum cost of living adjustment rate
53Minimum cost of living adjustment rate
54Contractor cost share
55Government cost share
56Progress payment liquidation percentage
57Fee percentage
58Resource availability
59Resource efficiency
60Rework yield
61Gross profit margin
62Remaining work
63Actual work percent completed
64Earned value
65Cost escalation
67Cost of living adjustment rate
68Percentage of due amount
69Asset ownership
7Percentage of invoice
70Common stock reported
71Preferred stock reported
72Ordinary profit to sales
73Invested capital ratio
74Equity to loan ratio
75Equity to deposit ratio
76Loan to deposit ratio
77Percent of total
8Reduction/surcharge percentage
80Liquid ratio
81Net worth to total assets
83Sales per employee
84Sales to net working capital
85Total liability to net worth
86Assets to sales
87Capital per employee
88Costs per employee
89Accounts payable to sales
90Current liabilities to net worth
91Current liabilities to inventory
92Current ratio
93Fixed assets to net worth
94Inventory turnover
95Quick ratio
96Resources retained for project
97Return on assets
98Return on sales ratio
99Return on capital ratio
ZZZMutually defined