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Element 7143: Item type identification code

NameItem type identification code
BeschreibungCoded identification of an item type.


AAProduct version number
ACHIBC (Health Industry Bar Code)
ADCold roll number
AEHot roll number
AFSlab number
AGSoftware revision number
AHUPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5)
AIUPC (Universal Product Code) Consumer package code (1-5-5-
AJSample number
AKPack number
ALUPC (Universal Product Code) Shipping container code (1-2-
AMUPC (Universal Product Code)/EAN (European article number)
ANUPC (Universal Product Code) suffix
AOState label code
APHeat number
AQCoupon number
ARResource number
ASWork task number
ATPrice look up number
AUNSN (North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stock Number)
AVRefined product code
AXEnd item
AYFederal supply classification
AZEngineering data list
BAMilestone event number
BBLot number
BCNational drug code 4-4-2 format
BDNational drug code 5-3-2 format
BENational drug code 5-4-1 format
BFNational drug code 5-4-2 format
BGNational drug code
BHPart number
BILocal Stock Number (LSN)
BJNext higher assembly number
BKData category
BLControl number
BMSpecial material identification code
BNLocally assigned control number
BOBuyer's colour
BPBuyer's part number
BQVariable measure product code
BRFinancial phase
BSContract breakdown
BTTechnical phase
BUDye lot number
BVDaily statement of activities
BWPeriodical statement of activities within a bilaterally
BXCalendar week statement of activities
BYCalendar month statement of activities
BZOriginal equipment number
CCIndustry commodity code
CGCommodity grouping
CLColour number
CRContract number
CVCustoms article number
DRDrawing revision number
ECEngineering change level
EFMaterial code
EMDEMDN (European Medical Device Nomenclature)
ENInternational Article Numbering Association (EAN)
FSFish species
GBBuyer's internal product group code
GMNGlobal model number
GNNational product group code
GSGeneral specification number
HSHarmonised system
IBISBN (International Standard Book Number)
INBuyer's item number
ISISSN (International Standard Serial Number)
ITBuyer's style number
IZBuyer's size code
MAMachine number
MFManufacturer's (producer's) article number
MNModel number
MPProduct/service identification number
NBBatch number
ONCustomer order number
PDPart number description
PLPurchaser's order line number
POPurchase order number
PVPromotional variant number
QSBuyer's qualifier for size
RCReturnable container number
RNRelease number
RURun number
RYRecord keeping of model year
SASupplier's article number
SGStandard group of products (mixed assortment)
SKSKU (Stock keeping unit)
SNSerial number
SRSRSK number
SRTIFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 5 digit product
SRUIFLS (Institut Francais du Libre Service) 9 digit product
SRVGS1 Global Trade Item Number
SRWEDIS (Energy Data Identification System)
SRXSlaughter number
SRYOfficial animal number
SRZHarmonized tariff schedule
SSSupplier's supplier article number
SSA46 Level DOT Code
SSBAirline Tariff 6D
SSCTitle 49 Code of Federal Regulations
SSDInternational Civil Aviation Administration code
SSEHazardous Materials ID DOT
SSGAir Force Regulation 71-4
SSIChemical Abstract Service (CAS) registry number
SSJEngine model designation
SSKInstitutional Meat Purchase Specifications (IMPS) Number
SSLPrice Look-Up code (PLU)
SSMInternational Maritime Organization (IMO) Code
SSNBureau of Explosives 600-A (rail)
SSOUnited Nations Dangerous Goods List
SSPInternational Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN)
SSQInternational Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN)
SSRInternational Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants
SSSDistributor�s article identifier
SSTNorwegian Classification system ENVA
SSUSupplier assigned classification
SSVMexican classification system AMECE
SSWGerman classification system CCG
SSXFinnish classification system EANFIN
SSYCanadian classification system ICC
SSZFrench classification system IFLS5
STStyle number
STADutch classification system CBL
STBJapanese classification system JICFS
STCEuropean Union dairy subsidy eligibility classification
STDGS1 Spain classification system
STEGS1 Poland classification system
STFFederal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology of the
STGEfficient Consumer Response (ECR) Austria classification
STHGS1 Italy classification system
STICPV (Common Procurement Vocabulary)
STJIFDA (International Foodservice Distributors Association)
STKAHFS (American Hospital Formulary Service) pharmacologic -
STLATC (Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical) classification system
STMCLADIMED (Classification des Dispositifs M�dicaux)
STNCMDR (Canadian Medical Device Regulations) classification
STOCNDM (Classificazione Nazionale dei Dispositivi Medici)
STPUK DM&D (Dictionary of Medicines & Devices) standard coding
STREDMA (European Diagnostic Manufacturers Association)
STSEGAR (European Generic Article Register)
STTGMDN (Global Medical Devices Nomenclature)
STUGPI (Generic Product Identifier)
STVHCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System)
STWICPS (International Classification for Patient Safety)
STXMedDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities)
STYMedical Columbus
STZNAPCS (North American Product Classification System)
SUANHS (National Health Services) eClass
SUBUS FDA (Food and Drug Administration) Product Code
SUCSNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine-Clinical
SUDUMDNS (Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System)
SUEGS1 Global Returnable Asset Identifier, non-serialised
SUGWaste Type (EMSA)
SUHShip's store classification type
SUIEmergency fire code
SUJEmergency spillage code
SUKIMDG packing group
SUMIMDG subsidiary risk class
TGTransport group number
TSNTaxonomic Serial Number
TSOIMDG main hazard class
TSPEU Combined Nomenclature
TSQTherapeutic classification number
TSREuropean Waste Catalogue
TSSPrice grouping code
TSUEU RoHS Directive
UAUltimate customer's article number
UPUPC (Universal product code)
VNVendor item number
VPVendor's (seller's) part number
VSVendor's supplemental item number
VXVendor specification number
ZZZMutually defined