© 2025 ProgM

Element 8457: Excess transportation reason code

NameExcess transportation reason code
BeschreibungCode specifying the reason for excess transportation.


ASpecial rail car order, schedule increase forecast change
Authorizationcode to be determined
BEngineering change or late release
CSpecification (schedule) error/overbuilding
DShipment tracing delay
EPlant inventory loss
FBuilding ahead of schedule
GVendor behind schedule
HFailed to include in last shipment
ICarrier loss claim
JTransportation failure
KInsufficient weight for carload
LReject or discrepancy (material rejected in prior shipment)
MTransportation delay
NLack of railcar or railroad equipment
PReleasing error
RRecord error or cate reported discrepancy report
TCommon or peculiar part schedule increase
Thereason for the excess transportation is due to
UAlternative supplier shipping for responsible supplier
VDirect schedule or locally controlled
WPurchasing waiver approval
YPilot material
ZZZMutually defined
authorizationcode to be determined.