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Nachricht CONRPW: D

BeschreibungResponse of pending works message


UNH0A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Response of pending works message is CONRPW. Note: Response of pending works messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 CONRPW D A UNMandatory
BGM0A segment for unique identification of the Response on pending works number and type of document.Mandatory
RFF0A segment to give prior references of the whole document, for example, project number or contract number, and authorization references if required, and the reference to the prior Advice on Pending Works.Mandatory
DTM0A segment specifying the dates that apply, e.g. forecasted date to start works, duration of the project and/or forecasted date of end of the works.Mandatory
NAD1A segment identifying names and addresses and their function relevant for the whole response on pending works. In the construction industry parties involved are e.g. the contractor, the designer, the client.Mandatory
CTA2A segment giving additional contact information relating to the party specified in the NAD segment, e.g. contact name, department or function.Mandatory
COM2A segment to identify a communication number of the previous information given in CTA (phone, fax, telex, etc.).Optional
LOC0A segment which enables the sender to specify, in some occurrences, the location of the project and of existing networks.Mandatory
FTX0A segment to specify some special indications on the nature of the networks, in coded and/or clear form, that is not possible to indicate in the LOC segment.Mandatory
DOC0A segment to specify which other documents (drawing organization, circulation list, plans, etc.) are to be processed in conjunction with CONAPW, and what is the communication channel used to transfer them.Optional
CNT0A segment providing a control total, for example, the number of documents attached to CONAPW.Optional
AUT0A segment to provide an authentication of the message.Optional
UNT0A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.Mandatory