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Nachricht GOVCBR: D

BeschreibungGovernment Cross Border Regulatory message


UNH0A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Government Cross Border Regulatory message is GOVCBR. Note: Government Cross Border Regulatory messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 GOVCBR D A UNMandatory
BGM0A segment identifying the type and function of a message relating to a regulatory cross border function and to transmit its identifying number.Mandatory
DTM0A segment identifying the date, and/or time, of a process relating to the document.Optional
MOA0A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document. For example, the total of all invoice amounts declared in a single declaration.Optional
IFD0A segment identifying a government procedure relating to the document.Optional
RFF0A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
CUX0A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the document.Optional
FII0A segment identifying an account and a related financial institution for payments of duties/taxes/fees relating to the document.Optional
GPO0A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration.Optional
LAN0A segment identifying the language relating to the document.Optional
MEA0A segment identifying a measure relating to the document, e.g. validity duration.Optional
LOC1A segment identifying a place or location relating to the document, e.g. place at which a declaration was issued, the location at which a declaration is lodged.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of goods departure at the place of loading, date of arrival at port or airport with intent to unload.Optional
ADR1A segment specifying an address related to the locationOptional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the the location, e.g. information relating to the determination of freight amounts.Mandatory
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a valuation, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location.Optional
PYT2A segment identifying a code describing the terms of payment relating to the valuation.Optional
GOR1A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the document.Mandatory
LOC1A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions.Optional
DTM1A segment identifying a date, time or periodOptional
GEI1A segment identifying processing information relating to the governmental requirementsOptional
CTA2A segment identifying a contact person or department associated with a government agency.Mandatory
COM2A segment identifying a communication address of a contact person or department.Optional
STS1A segment identifying a process status relating to the document after filing, e.g. accepted, cancelled.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies.Optional
ERP2A segment identifying the related document position for a status.Mandatory
ELU2A segment identifying a data element at the related document position.Optional
ARR2To contain the data in an arrayOptional
NAD1A segment identifying a party relevant to the document.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying a date, time and/or period relating to the party.Optional
GEI1A segment identifying quality assurance details relating to the party.Optional
STS1A segment identifying a status relating to the party.Optional
IFD1A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the party.Optional
IDE1To identify an object.Optional
CTA2A segment identifying a contact person or department relating to the party.Mandatory
COM2A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
DOC1A segment identifying another document relating to the document.Mandatory
RFF1A segment identifying a reference within a related document.Optional
DTM1A segment identifying a date and/or time pertaining to the related document, such as the issue date.Optional
MOA1A segment identifying a monetary amount pertaining to the related document.Optional
ALI1A segment identifying a type of exemption or condition pertaining to the related document.Optional
QTY1A segment identifying a quantity pertaining to the related document.Optional
TSR1A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions pertaining to the related document.Optional
NAD2A segment identifying a party pertaining to the related document, e.g. the party responsible for issuing, authenticating or using the document.Mandatory
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department relating to the party.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC2A segment to identify a place or a location pertaining to the related document.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location.Optional
RCS1A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the document.Mandatory
FTX1A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM1A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement.Optional
GEI1A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI1A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP2A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU2A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR2To contain the data in an arrayOptional
AJT1A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document.Mandatory
FTX1To provide free form or coded text information.Optional
ERP2A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment.Mandatory
ELU2A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR2To contain the data in an arrayOptional
ERC1A segment identifying error information relating to the document.Mandatory
ERP2A segment identifying a document position relating to the error.Mandatory
ELU2A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR2To contain the data in an arrayOptional
INP1A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the document.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC1A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction.Optional
CNT1A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposesOptional
RSL1A segment identifying control results relating to the instruction.Optional
NAD2A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
GIR1A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the document.Mandatory
LOC1A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is not valid.Optional
VLI1A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee.Optional
DTM1A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the expiry date.Optional
MOA1A segment identifying a monetary amount pertaining to the related documentary undertakingOptional
NAD2A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party.Mandatory
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
PRC2A segment identifying a process.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the processMandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the processMandatory
TAX1A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the document.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation.Optional
ALI1A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
MOA1A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
QTY1A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
PAI2A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee.Mandatory
RFF2A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date.Optional
GIR3A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment.Mandatory
LOC3A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid.Optional
VLI3A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for.Optional
MOA3A segment specifying monetary amounts in relation to a documentary undertaking.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
PRC4A segment identifying a process.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the processMandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the processMandatory
PAC1A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the document.Mandatory
SEQ1A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the package.Mandatory
PCI1A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX1A segment describing the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI1A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM1A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA1A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
TMP1A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the document, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature.Mandatory
MEA1A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS1A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
TDT1A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the document, e.g. scheduled conveyance identifier.Mandatory
DTM1A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport.Optional
RFF1A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference.Optional
QTY1A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport.Optional
MEA1A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage.Optional
MOA1A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers.Optional
POC1A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport.Optional
DIM1A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport.Optional
GDS1A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type.Optional
STS1A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category.Optional
GPO1A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport.Optional
GEI1A segment identifying processing information relating to the transport meansOptional
TMD1To specify operational transport movement details for a goods item or equipment (which may differ from the contractual conditions).Optional
COM1To identify a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed.Optional
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the ship to ship activity.Mandatory
EVE2A segment to describe information relating to an event in relation to the means of transport, such as a security incident.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and or time relating to an event.Optional
FTX2A segment to describe information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting.Mandatory
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a location.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
STS2A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport at the time of making a declaration, e.g. security category.Optional
FTX2A segment identifying information relating to the means of transport status.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the locationOptional
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a ship to ship activity.Mandatory
EVE3A segment identifying the description of a ship to ship activity.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying dates relating to a ship to ship activity.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying free text relating to a ship to ship activity.Optional
GPO3A segment identifying the geographical position relating to a ship to ship activity.Optional
ADR3A segment specifying an address related to a sub-locationMandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a sub-locationMandatory
FTX3A segment identifying information relating to a sub- location.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying dates relating to a sub-location.Optional
POC3A segment identifying information about the purpose of call relating to a sub-locationOptional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the sub-locationOptional
NAD2A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence of an event related to a means of transport.Mandatory
ATT2A segment identifying an attrubite of a person related to the means of transport.Optional
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
NAT2A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying an address relating to the party, e.g. the address of a crew member.Optional
EMP2A segment identifying a qualification relating to the party, e.g. hazardous cargo handling.Optional
STS2A segment identifying a status of a person or party associated with a means of transport eg type of endorsement for a crew member.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the person on board e.g. whether information in relation to the person has been verified.Optional
RFF2A segment identifying a reference in a relation to the person on board.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ADR3A segment identifying an address recorded on a driver's license relating to the party.Mandatory
EMP3A segment identifying a qualification relating to the driver's license.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying a travel document relating to the person on board, e.g. passport, visa etc.Mandatory
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the travel document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the travel document e.g. it's issue date and expiry date.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the travel document, e.g. location of issue.Optional
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence of personal effects relating to a party.Mandatory
FTX3A segment identifying details to identify personal effects carried on a means of transport.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying the total quality of personal effects belonging to a person on a means of transport.Optional
EQD2A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the means of transport.Mandatory
QTY2A segment identifying quantities relating to the means of transport.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
RFF2A segment identifying a reference in relation to carried transport equipment, such as a registered name of a barge.Optional
RCS2A segment identifying the action codes relating to the means of transport.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the means of transport.Optional
SEL3A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment, e.g. a stow position.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the carried transport equipment.Mandatory
EQD3A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the carried transport equipment.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference in relation to carried transport equipment.Optional
LIN2A segment identifying a line item and configuration.Mandatory
MEA2A segment specifying physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations.Optional
DTM2To specify date, and/or time, or period.Optional
GEI2To identify processing information.Optional
GID3A segment indicating totals of a goods item.Mandatory
FTX3A segment providing free form or coded text information.Optional
TCC3A segment specifying charges.Optional
DGS3A segment identifying dangerous goods.Optional
MEA3To specify physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts.Optional
LOC3To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.Optional
CTA3To identify a person or a department to whom communication should be directed.Optional
ADR3A segment specifying an address related to a locationMandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a locationMandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to a locationOptional
CCI2A segment identifying and describing a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processes.Mandatory
CAV2A segment providing the value of a characteristic.Optional
SFI2To identify regulatory safety information.Mandatory
FTX2To provide free form or coded text information.Optional
DOC3To identify documents and details directly related to it.Mandatory
DTM3To specify date, and/or time, or period.Optional
LOC3To identify a place or a location and/or related locations.Optional
NAD3To specify the name/address and their related function, either by C082 only and/or unstructured by C058 or structured by C080 thru 3207.Optional
GEI3To identify processing information.Optional
UNS0A service segment placed at the beginning of the detail section to indicate the beginning of that section.Mandatory
SEQ1A segment identifying a position in a sequence of goods shipments.Mandatory
ALI1A segment identifying additional information relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the nature of a transaction.Optional
IFD1A segment identifying information details relating to the goods shipment, e.g. free trade status.Optional
DTM1A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the departure date of goods from the original consignor, the date on which the goods depart from a last location of country of export.Optional
RFF1A segment identifying a reference relating to the goods shipment, e.g. UCR.Optional
NAD2A segment identifying a party relating to the goods shipment, e.g. buyer, seller, consignor, consignee, distributor.Mandatory
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
DMS2A segment identifying a document reference relating to the party.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to a goods shipment, e.g. country from which goods were originally exported without any commercial transaction taking place in intermediate countries.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. the date when the declared goods belonging to a goods shipment were brought into a warehouse.Optional
DOC2A segment identifying a document relating to the goods shipment, e.g. invoice.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence of documents.Mandatory
RFF2A segment idintifying references relating to the document.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document, e.g. total quantity specified in the invoice.Optional
TSR2A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing and authenticating the invoice.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the determination of Customs value relating to the goods shipment, e.g. indicators related to the method of valuation.Mandatory
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the processing information, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurances, loading and unloading charges.Optional
PYT2A segment identifying the terms of payment relating to the processing information, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, days letter of credit.Optional
CUX2A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the goods shipment.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the processing information, e.g. loading location.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS2A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the goods shipment.Mandatory
FTX2A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service.Optional
GEI2A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP3A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU3A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR3To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restricted to be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP2A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination.Optional
CNT2A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposesOptional
RSL2A segment identifying discrete or non-discrete result as a value or value range relating to the instruction.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TAX2A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
PAI3A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date.Optional
GIR4A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment.Mandatory
LOC4A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is not valid.Optional
VLI4A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
GOR2A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
LOC2A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions.Optional
MEA2A segment identifying a measurement relating to the goods shipment, e.g. first, second and third tariff quantities, gross weight.Mandatory
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement.Optional
STS2A segment identifying a process status related to the goods shipment, e.g. accepted, cancelled.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies.Optional
ERP3A segment identifying the related document position for a status.Mandatory
ELU3A segment identifying a data element at the related document position.Optional
TMP2A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the goods shipment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature.Mandatory
MEA2A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS2A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
TOD2A segment identifying delivery terms relating to the goods shipment (INCOTERMS).Mandatory
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to the delivery terms, e.g. departure point.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the delivery terms, e.g. whether the place specified for the performance of a contractual obligation is located in the same country as where the declaration is made.Optional
CNI2A segment identifying a consignment relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
RFF2A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment, e.g. the indication that the goods are not transported in a container.Optional
STS2A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment.Optional
CNT2A segment identifying a control total relating to the consignment, e.g. cubic dimension.Optional
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the consignment, e.g. the boarded quantity.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value.Optional
IFD2A segment identifying information details relating to the consignment, e.g. a regulatory procedure to be applied.Optional
TOD2A segment identifying delivery terms relating to the goods shipment (INCOTERMS).Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure.Optional
ARR3A segment identifying the sequence relating to the location (e.g. routing country).Optional
ADR3A segment specifying an address relating to a locationOptional
TPL3A segment specifying a placement of goods or equipment in relation to the transport used, relating to a locationOptional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the determination of Customs value at the location, such as information relating to the determination of freight amounts.Mandatory
MOA4A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a valuation. For example, aggregate cost of freight, insurance and all other costs and expenses from the foreign exit location to the entry location.Optional
PYT4A segment identifying a code describing the terms of payment relating to the valuation, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, 90 days letter of credit.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment, e.g. transport contract, licenses, certificates, permits.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR3A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS3A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment.Mandatory
FTX3A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service.Optional
GEI3A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP4A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU4A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR4To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs ,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- . The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP3A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination.Optional
CNT3A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposesOptional
NAD4A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
PAC3A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment.Mandatory
PCI3A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM3A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
TMP3A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature.Mandatory
MEA3A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS3A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
EQD3A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying quantities relating to the transport equipment.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
SEL4A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TDT3A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport.Optional
RFF3A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers.Optional
POC3A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport.Optional
DIM3A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting.Optional
GDS3A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type.Optional
STS3A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category.Optional
GPO3A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the transport meansOptional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to a location.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
NAT4A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
EQD4A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY4A segment identifying quantities relating to the transport equipment.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
SEL5A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ5A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ARD2A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment.Mandatory
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
PCD2A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
LIN2A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a government agency goods item, e.g.the amount declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, and the value declared for statistical purposOptional
IFD2A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the government agency goods item.Optional
STS2A segment identifying status information relating to the government agency goods item.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying additional information relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. the nature of a transaction.Optional
RFF2A segment identifying a reference relating to the goods shipment.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the government agency goods item locations, e.g. the origin as determined by appropriate legislation.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying information relating to the location of a goods, e.g . stowage location.Optional
ADR3A segment specifying an address relating to a locationOptional
DOC3A segment identifying a document relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR3A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the goods item.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS3A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
FTX3A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP4A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU4A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR4To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs ,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- . The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP3A segment identifying an instruction relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. for inspection.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction.Optional
CNT3A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposesOptional
NAD4A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measurement relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement.Optional
PAC3A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package.Mandatory
PCI3A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM3A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
ARD3A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment.Mandatory
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
PCD3A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
GID3A segment identifying a commodity relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
IMD3A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity.Optional
APP3A segment describing the applicability/usage of the commodity by a party.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying a textual description relating to the commodity.Optional
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the commodity, e.g. number of a production lot.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the commodity.Optional
GIR3A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity.Optional
GIN3A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measurement relating to the commodity.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the commodity.Optional
CDI3A segment identifying a physical state relating to the commodity.Optional
PGI3A segment identifying a product group relating to the commodity.Optional
TCC3A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system.Optional
CNT3A segment identifying a control total relating to the commodity, e.g. the number of regulated items.Optional
IFD3A segment identifying information details relating to the commodity.Optional
TDT3A segment identifying transport information associated with a consignment item.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location pertaining to the commodity.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the commodity.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
DOC4A segment identifying a document relating to the commodity.Mandatory
RFF4A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA4A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR4A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity.Optional
GIN4A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity.Optional
GIR4A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity.Optional
IMD4A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC5A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS4A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement.Optional
GEI4A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP5A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR5To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs ,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
PAC4A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the commodity.Mandatory
PCI4A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX4A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM4A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA4A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
COD4A segment identifying component details relating to the commodity, e.g. constituent elements, the composition along with the percentage of component elements, and the identification of active ingredients.Mandatory
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the component details.Optional
PCD4A segment identifying a percentage relating to the component details.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying a processing information relating to the component details, e.g. whether the component is active.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the commodity.Optional
INP4A segment identifying an instruction for regulatory control relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction.Optional
CNT4A segment used for reporting the results of an inspection or to provide the quantity used for control or quarantine purposesOptional
NAD5A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TAX4A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
MOA4A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
TCC4A segment identifying charges relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
FTX4To provide free form or coded text information.Optional
PAI5A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee.Mandatory
RFF5A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment.Optional
MOA5A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date.Optional
GIR6A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment.Mandatory
LOC6A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid.Optional
VLI6A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee.Optional
DTM6A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for.Optional
MOA6A segment specifying the monetary amounts in relation to a documentary undertakingOptional
NAD7A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party.Mandatory
IFD7A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM7A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE7To identify an object.Optional
CTA8A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM8A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ARR7A segment identifying the data in an array related to the process information.Mandatory
DTM7A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period related to the process information.Mandatory
CUX5To specify currencies used in the transaction and relevant details for the rate of exchange.Mandatory
SEQ5To provide details relating to the sequence.Mandatory
MOA5To specify a monetary amount.Mandatory
PCD5To specify percentage information.Mandatory
TCC5To specify charges.Optional
QTY6To specify a pertinent quantity.Mandatory
CUX6To specify currencies used in the transaction and relevant details for the rate of exchange.Optional
DLI4A segment identifying a document line item pertaining to the commodity, e.g. an invoice line.Mandatory
MOA4A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document line item.Optional
STS4A segment identifying a process status relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies.Optional
ERP5A segment identifying the related document position for a status.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the related document position.Optional
TMP4A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity.Mandatory
MEA4A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS4A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
EQD4A segment with transport equipment information related to the commodity.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment for the unique identification of transport equipment information related to the commodity.Mandatory
PRC4A segment to describe information relating to a process in relation to the commodity, such as method of growing, treatment, etc.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence of a process in relation to a commodity.Mandatory
TMP4A Segment to identify the temperature associated with the process.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the process.Mandatory
IFD5A segment to identify the type of address, like business, residential, etc. of the party related to the process.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ATT4A segment identifying a specific attribute in relation to the dangerous goods information.Mandatory
DGS4A segment identifying dangerous goods in relation to the dangerous goods information.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying free form or coded text information in relation to the dangerous goods information.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying the name/address and their function related to the party information.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the specific details related to the party information.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a person or a department to whom communication should be directed, related to the contact and communication informationMandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication number of a department or a person to whom communication should be directed, related to the contact and communication informationOptional
PYT3A segment identifying the terms of payment relating to the processing information, e.g. cash on delivery, sight draft, 90 days letter of credit.Mandatory
GEI3A segment identifying processing information.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the processing information, e.g. aggregate cost of freight, insurances, loading and unloading charges.Optional
CUX3A segment identifying a rate of exchange and/or currency relating to the goods shipment.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the processing information, e.g. loading location.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
HYN0A segment identifying hierarchical connections relating to the document.Mandatory
CNI1A segment identifying a consignment relating to the document.Mandatory
RFF1A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier.Optional
GEI1A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment, e.g. the indication that the goods are not transported in a container.Optional
STS1A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment.Optional
MEA1A segment identifying a control total relating to the consignment, e.g. cubic dimension.Optional
QTY1A segment identifying a quantity relating to the consignment, e.g. the boarded quantity.Optional
MOA1A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value.Optional
IFD1A segment identifying a government procedure relating to the document.Optional
HAN1A segment identifying handling instructions relating to the consignment.Optional
CNT1A segment identifying control totals relating to the consignment.Optional
DTM1To specify date, and/or time, or period.Optional
NAD2A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD2A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
DMS2A segment identifying a document reference relating to the party.Optional
IDE2To identify an object.Optional
CTA3A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM3A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure.Optional
ADR2A segment identifying address details relating to the location.Optional
TPL2A segment identifying the placement of goods or equipment relating to the location.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the location.Optional
DOC2A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment, e.g. transport contract, licenses, certificates, permits.Mandatory
RFF2A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR2A segment identifyingcontract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS2A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment.Mandatory
FTX2A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service.Optional
GEI2A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI2A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP3A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU3A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR3To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs 9,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO-9735. The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP2A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC2A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination.Optional
CNT2A segment identifying a control total in relation to instructions for certificates required for the consignment item.Optional
FTX2A segment identifying free form or coded text information in relation to instructions for certificates.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TOD2A segment identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment,e.g. payment method of transport charges, rate information in regard to transport charges, freight amounts, and handling instructions.Mandatory
RTE2A segment identifying rate details relating to the terms of delivery.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the terms of delivery, e.g. freight charge.Optional
PAC2A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment.Mandatory
PCI2A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX2A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM2A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA2A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
TMP2A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment, e.g. the temperature required to be maintained for a commodity or the recorded temperature.Mandatory
MEA2A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS2A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
RSL2A segment identifying a result relating to the consignment, e.g. results of the controls carried out by the authorized consignor prior to departure.Mandatory
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the transit control.Optional
DTM2A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the transit control.Optional
GOR2A segment identifying a requirement for specific government actions, reasons for such action requested or requirements of procedure relating to the consignment.Mandatory
LOC2A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations pertaining to the government requirements and/or actions.Optional
EQD2A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment.Mandatory
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY2A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment.Optional
MEA2A segment specifying physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts in relation to the transport equipmentOptional
GEI2A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
TSR2To specify the contract and carriage conditions and service and priority requirements for the transport.Optional
SEL3A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment, e.g. a stow position.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying document information related to a transport equipment.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period related to a document.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying monetary amounts related to a document.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information related to a document.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying the name/address and their related function relating to the party information.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying specify details about items of information relating to the party information.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document.Optional
TDT2A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment.Mandatory
DTM2A segment identifying date and time information relating to the means of transport.Optional
RFF2A segment identifying references relating to a means of transport, e.g. ships stay reference.Optional
QTY2A segment identifying a quantity relating to the means of transport.Optional
MEA2A segment identifying a measure relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship's gross or net tonnage.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the means of transport, e.g. type and value of ship's bunkers.Optional
POC2A segment identifying a purpose of call relating to the means of transport.Optional
DIM2A segment identifying a dimension relating to the means of transport.Optional
FTX2A segment to describe information relating to the means of transport, e.g. a ship to ship activity, reasons related to a status of the means of transport and for exceptional reporting.Optional
GDS2A segment identifying a nature of cargo relating to the means of transport, e.g. ballast or cargo type.Optional
STS2A segment identifying a status relating to the means of transport, e.g. security category.Optional
GPO2A segment identifying the geographical position of the location at the time of declaration relating to the means of transport.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the means of transport, e.g. the master of the vessel, the company security officer, ISPS responsible party.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
NAT3A segment identifying the nationality of the party, e.g. of the owner or master.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date relating to the party, e.g. birth date of the master.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying an address relating to the party, e.g. the address of a crew member.Optional
EMP3A segment identifying a qualification relating to the party, e.g. hazardous cargo handling.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, e.g. the 24 hour contact details concerning security.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ADR4A segment identifying an address recorded on a driver's license relating to the party.Mandatory
EMP4A segment identifying a qualification relating to the driver's license.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying a document relating to the means of transport.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR3A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
AJT4A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document.Mandatory
ERP5A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
EQD3A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the means of transport, e.g. an event or load status of transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
SEL4A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
CCI3A segment identifying and describing a specific characteristic and its relevance for subsequent business processesMandatory
CAV3A segment providing the value of a characteristicOptional
SEQ2A segment identifying the position in a sequence of items relating to the consignment.Mandatory
GEI2A segment identifying processing information relating to the consignment item.Optional
STS2A segment identifying status information relating to the consignment item.Optional
RFF2A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment item, e.g. the unique identifier assigned by the trader to goods covered by the consignment Item.Optional
IFD2A segment identifying information details relating to the consignment item.Optional
HAN2A segment identifying handling information relating to the consignment item.Optional
TDT2A segment identifying specify information regarding the transport such as mode of transport, means of transport, its conveyance reference number and the identification of the means of transport relating to the consignment item.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location, e.g. scheduled date of departure.Optional
ADR3A segment identifying address details relating to the location.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying a document relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR3A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
AJT4A segment identifying a reason for adjustment of a document.Mandatory
ERP5A segment identifying a document position pertaining to the adjustment.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
RCS3A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item.Mandatory
FTX3A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement, e.g. suggested date and time of completion of the service.Optional
GEI3A segment indicating the need for for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP4A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU4A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR4To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs ,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- . The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP3A segment identifying an instruction for certification relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction, e.g. location of review of documents and the place of examination.Optional
CNT3A segment identifying a control total in relation to instructions for certificates required for the consignment item.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measurement relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement.Optional
PCD3To specify percentage information.Optional
PAC3A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package.Mandatory
PCI3A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM3A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the packaging, e.g. the party who packed.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the partyMandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TMP3A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
MEA3A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS3A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
EQD3A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying a quantiy relating to the transport equipment.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying measurements relating to the transport equipment.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying a legal status relating to the transport equipment, e.g. whether the transport equipment is in conformity with the Container Convention.Optional
SEL4A segment identifying a seal affixed to a transport equipment.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the seal affixed.Mandatory
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipment.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
PAC4A segment identifying the number and type of a package.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package.Mandatory
PCI4A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX4A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM4A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA4A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the transport equipment, e.g. the owner of a transport equipmentMandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the partyMandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ARR4A segment identifying the data in an array relating to the commodity information.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the commodity information.Optional
TCC4A segment identifying charges relating to the commodity information.Optional
ATT5A segment identifying specific attributes relating to the dangerous goods informationMandatory
DGS5A of segment identifying dangerous goods relating to the dangerous goods informationMandatory
FTX5A of segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the dangerous goods informationOptional
NAD6A of segment identifying the name/address and their related function, relating to the party informationMandatory
IDE6To identify an object.Optional
CTA7A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the partyMandatory
COM7A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
GID3A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
IMD3A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity.Optional
APP3A segment describing the applicability/usage of the commodity by a party.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying a textual description relating to the commodity.Optional
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the commodity, e.g. number of a production lot.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the commodity.Optional
GIR3A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity.Optional
GIN3A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measurement relating to the commodity.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the commodity.Optional
CDI3A segment identifying a physical state relating to the commodity.Optional
PGI3A segment identifying a product group relating to the commodity.Optional
TCC3A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system.Optional
CNT3A segment identifying a control total relating to the commodity, e.g. the number of regulated items.Optional
IFD3A segment identifying information details relating to the commodity.Optional
TDT3A segment identifying transport information associated with a consignment item.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location pertaining to the commodity.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date, time or period relating to the location.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the commodity.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
DOC4A segment identifying a document relating to the commodity.Mandatory
RFF4A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA4A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR4A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the commodity.Optional
GIN4A segment providing identifiers relating to the commodity.Optional
GIR4A segment providing identification numbers relating to the commodity.Optional
IMD4A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC5A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS4A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the commodity.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement.Optional
GEI4A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP5A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
PAC4A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the commodity.Mandatory
PCI4A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX4A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM4A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA4A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
COD4A segment identifying component details relating to the commodity, e.g. constituent elements, the composition along with the percentage of component elements, and the identification of active ingredients.Mandatory
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the component details.Optional
PCD4A segment identifying a percentage relating to the component details.Optional
GEI4A segment identifying a processing information relating to the component details, e.g. whether the component is active.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the component details.Optional
INP4A segment identifying an instruction for regulatory control relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD5A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TAX4A segment identifying details relating to a duty, tax or fee relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date relating to the duty, tax or fee, e.g. date on which tax is due or calculated or in certain cases, the date used at the discretion of the filer as the basis for duty calculation.Optional
ALI4A segment identifying a type of duty regime or exemption relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
MOA4A segment identifying an amount relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
QTY4A segment identifying a quantity relating to the duty, tax or fee.Optional
PAI5A segment identifying a method of payment relating to the duty, tax or fee.Mandatory
RFF5A segment identifying a reference number relating to the payment.Optional
MOA5A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the payment.Optional
DTM5A segment identifying a date relating to a payment, e.g. due date.Optional
GIR6A segment identifying a documentary undertaking pertaining to the payment.Mandatory
LOC6A segment identifying a location where a documentary undertaking is valid.Optional
VLI6A segment identifying details relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. given in cash, bond or as a written guarantee.Optional
DTM6A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the date when the guarantee or undertaking must be accounted for.Optional
NAD7A segment identifying a party relating to the documentary undertaking, e.g. the surety party, i.e. the party who agrees to be responsible for the debt or obligation of another party.Mandatory
IFD7A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM7A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE7To identify an object.Optional
CTA8A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM8A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
DLI4A segment identifying a document line item pertaining to the commodity, e.g. an invoice line.Mandatory
MOA4A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document line item.Optional
STS4A segment identifying a process status relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time when a status applies.Optional
ERP5A segment identifying the related document position for a status.Mandatory
ELU5A segment identifying a data element at the related document position.Optional
TMP4A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity.Mandatory
MEA4A segment identifying a storage condition relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DGS4A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
EQD4A segment with transport equipment information related to the commodity.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment for the unique identification of transport equipment information related to the commodity.Mandatory
PRC4A segment to describe information relating to a process in relation to the commodity, such as method of growing, treatment, etc.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence of a process in relation to a commodity.Mandatory
TMP4A Segment to identify the temperature associated with the process.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the process.Mandatory
IFD5A segment to identify the type of address, like business, residential, etc. of the party related to the process.Optional
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
ATT4A segment identifying a specific attribute relating to the dangerous goods information.Mandatory
DGS4A segment identifying dangerous goods relating to the dangerous goods information.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying free form or coded text information relating to the dangerous goods information.Optional
PAC4To describe the number and type of packages/physical units.Optional
MEA4To specify physical measurements, including dimension tolerances, weights and counts.Optional
NAD5A segment identifying the name/address and their related function rrelating to the party information.Mandatory
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party, related to the process.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
TOD3A segment identifying terms of delivery relating to the consignment,e.g. payment method of transport charges, rate information in regard to transport charges, freight amounts, and handling instructions.Mandatory
RTE3A segment identifying rate details relating to the terms of delivery.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the terms of delivery, e.g. freight charge.Optional
LIN2A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to a government agency goods item, e.g.the amount declared for Customs purposes of those goods in a consignment which are subject to the same Customs procedure, and the value declared for statistical purposOptional
IFD2A segment identifying a regulatory procedure relating to the government agency goods item.Optional
STS2A segment identifying status information relating to the government agency goods item.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
IFD3A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the party.Optional
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the government agency goods item locations, e.g. the origin as determined by appropriate legislation.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date and or time relating to a location.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying a document relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the document, e.g. the issue date.Optional
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the document, e.g. aggregate total amount.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying additional information relating to the document, e.g. request to override normal processing.Optional
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the document.Optional
TSR3A segment identifying contract and carriage conditions relating to the document.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the document, e.g. party responsible for issuing the document.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the document, e.g. location of issue.Mandatory
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the location.Optional
RCS3A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
FTX3A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time/period pertaining to the requirement.Optional
GEI3A segment indicating the need for a certificate of export pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ALI3A segment identifying a request to override normal processing pertaining to the requirement.Optional
ERP4A segment identifying the document position pertaining to the requirement.Mandatory
ELU4A segment identifying a data element at the document position.Optional
ARR4To contain the data in an array. Notes: . The composite C770 - array cell details - occurs ,999 times in the segment. The use of the ARR segment is restrictedto be used only with Version 3 of ISO- . The component 9424 - array cell information -Optional
INP3A segment identifying an instruction relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. for inspection.Mandatory
DTM3A segment identifying a date/time relating to the instruction.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the instruction.Optional
NAD4A segment identifying a certifying party relating to the instruction.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date and/or time relating to the certifying party.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the certifying party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying a measurement relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
QTY3A segment identifying a quantity relating to the measurement.Optional
PAC3A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package.Mandatory
PCI3A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
FTX3A segment identifying the type of packing material relating to the package.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the handling of the package.Optional
DIM3A segment identifying the dimensions of the package.Optional
MEA3A segment identifying the volume of the package.Optional
ARD3A segment identifying a monetary amount function relating to the government agency goods item, e.g. valuation adjustment.Mandatory
MOA3A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
GEI3A segment identifying processing information relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
PCD3A segment identifying a percentage relating to the monetary amount function.Optional
ASI2A segment identifying the structure of an array relating to the house consignment details.Mandatory
CNI2A segment identifying a house consignment relating to the consignment.Mandatory
RFF2A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment, e.g. a number assigned by a carrier.Optional
MOA2A segment identifying a monetary amount relating to the consignment, e.g. consigment value.Optional
CNT2A segment identifying control totals relating to the house consignment.Optional
TOD2A segment identifying terms of delivery or transport relating to the house consignment.Optional
GEI2To identify processing information.Optional
NAD3A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment, e.g. the carrier, notify party, or owner of the transport equipment.Mandatory
IDE3To identify an object.Optional
CTA4A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM4A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LOC3A segment identifying a location relating to the consignment, e.g. storage country.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
ADR3A segment identifying the address relating to the location.Optional
DOC3A segment identifying document and details relating to the document information.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the document information.Optional
DTM3A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period relating to the document information.Optional
EQD3A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
QTY3To specify a pertinent quantity.Optional
SEL4To specify the seal number or a range of seal numbers.Mandatory
SEQ4To provide details relating to the sequence.Mandatory
TDT3A segment identifying details about the means of transport relating to the consignment.Mandatory
LOC4A segment identifying a location relating to the means of transport, e.g. port of call.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the location.Mandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the position in a sequence of items relating to the consignment.Mandatory
RFF3A segment identifying a reference relating to the consignment item, e.g. the unique identifier assigned by the trader to goods covered by the consignment Item.Optional
TDT3A segment identifying information regarding the transport relating to the consignment itemOptional
MOA3A segment identifying monetary amounts related to the consignment itemOptional
MEA3A segment identifying physical measurements related to the consignment itemOptional
TOD3A segment identifying terms of delivery or transport related to the consignment itemOptional
LOC3A segment identifying a place or a location and/or related locations related to the consignment itemOptional
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
IFD4A segment identifying the type of address, like business, residential, etc.Optional
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
DOC4A segment identifying document details relating to the document information.Mandatory
RFF4A segment identifying references relating to the document information.Optional
DTM4A segment identifying a date, and/or time, or period relating to the document information.Optional
RCS4A segment identifying a requirement for the provision of additional information pertaining to the consignment item.Mandatory
FTX4A segment identifying a statement pertaining to the requirement.Optional
PAC4A segment identifying the number and type of a package relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the number and type of a package.Mandatory
PCI4A segment identifying marks and numbers relating to the package.Optional
EQD4A segment identifying transport equipment details relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment identifying the position in a sequence relating to the transport equipment.Mandatory
GID4A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
IMD4A segment identifying a qualified description relating to the commodity.Optional
TCC4A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system.Optional
TMP5A segment identifying a temperature or range of temperatures relating to the commodity.Mandatory
DGS5A segment identifying a flashpoint for dangerous goods relating to the temperature condition.Optional
DMS3A segment identifying summary information relating to the document/message relating to the goods shipmentsMandatory
SEQ3A segment identifying the sequence number relating to the document/message relating to the goods shipmentsMandatory
NAD4A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
IDE4To identify an object.Optional
CTA5A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM5A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
LIN4A group of segments identifying a government agency goods item relating to the goods shipment.Mandatory
NAD5A segment identifying a party relating to the government agency goods item.Mandatory
IDE5To identify an object.Optional
CTA6A segment identifying a contact person or department with their related communication numbers, relating to the party.Mandatory
COM6A segment identifying a communication address relating to the contact person or department.Optional
GID5A segment identifying a commodity relating to the consignment item.Mandatory
TCC5A segment identifying a tariff class relating to the commodity, e.g. the classification under the harmonized system.Optional
UNS0A segment separating the detailed section and the summary section.Mandatory
AUT0A segment identifying authentication details relating to the document.Optional
CNT0A segment identifying control totals relating to the document.Optional
UNT0A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.Mandatory