Segment | Ebene | Beschreibung | Opt/Mand. |
UNH | 0 | A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Insurance claim assessment and reporting message is ICASRP. Note: Insurance claim assessment and reporting messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 ICASRP D A UN | Mandatory |
BGM | 0 | To specify the function of the message, such as claim notification, assessment request, assessment report. | Mandatory |
ATT | 0 | To specify the type of transaction within the specified message function. | Optional |
CUX | 0 | To specify the currency of the transaction. | Optional |
DTM | 0 | To specify dates related to the transaction, such as the date processed. | Optional |
QRS | 0 | To provide the response to coded questions related to the transaction. | Optional |
FTX | 0 | To provide additional text information related to the transaction, such as transaction description. | Optional |
SG1 | 0 | SG1 | Optional |
PNA | 1 | To specify one party related to the business transaction, such as message originator, ultimate recipient and software supplier. | Mandatory |
SG2 | 1 | SG2 | Mandatory |
RFF | 2 | To provide a reference that identifies one software component provided by the software supplier together with the version of the software. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates related to the software component, such as effective date and date applied to system. | Optional |
SG3 | 0 | SG3 | Optional |
EVE | 1 | To identify and describe one event or incident related to the claim. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To provide identification numbers for the incident which may be used to link the incident to specific items of damage. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the incident, such as incident scale. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates relating to the incident, such as incident date or start and end date when the incident occurred over a period of time. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references relating to the incident such as intermediary's claim reference, insurer's claim number. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages relating to the incident such as percentage of responsibility. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To specify the response to coded questions about the incident. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | To specify quantities relating to the incident, such as number of injured parties, number of witnesses. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text information about the incident, such as incident description. | Optional |
SG4 | 1 | SG4 | Optional |
TCC | 2 | To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the incident. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the incident. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the cost charge, such as method of calculation. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts for the cost or charge, such as amount including tax, discount amount. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge, such as tax percentage. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide text information about the cost or charge, such as explanation of cost or charge. | Optional |
SG5 | 2 | SG5 | Optional |
COT | 3 | To identify one contribution or recovery relating to the cost or charge. | Mandatory |
IDE | 3 | To specify the identity number of a party to whom this contribution or recovery applies. | Optional |
ATT | 3 | To provide coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery, such as amount of contribution to the cost charge. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of contribution to the cost charge. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To specify references for the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide text information about the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
SG6 | 1 | SG6 | Optional |
COD | 2 | Provides a coded identification of one type of claim or incident component, such as policy cover, addresses. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To reference the object or party to which the cover applies. | Optional |
ADR | 2 | To specify a geographic limit on a policy cover, which may be expressed as a location, an address or a country or the address(es) of the incident. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes related to the cover component, such as cover type, usage. | Optional |
COM | 2 | To specify communication numbers for the address. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates related to the cover, such as cover inception date, end date. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts related to the cover, such as cover limit. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To specify percentages related to the cover, such as cover index. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To specify the response to coded questions concerning the cover. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities related to the cover, such as number of claims allowed. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references related to the cover. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To specify text information about the cover, such as cover description, usage description. | Optional |
SG7 | 2 | SG7 | Optional |
PCC | 3 | To specify one type of component used in the claim calculation, such as excess, cover condition. | Mandatory |
ATT | 3 | To specify coded attributes related to the claim calculation component, such as claim calculated by code. | Optional |
DTM | 3 | To specify dates relating to the claim calculation, such as condition valid date. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim calculation, such as excess amount. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages related to the claim calculation component, such as excess percentage. | Optional |
QRS | 3 | To specify the response to coded questions about the claim calculation component. | Optional |
QTY | 3 | To specify quantities relating to the claim calculation component. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide text information about the claim calculation component, such as condition wording. | Optional |
SG8 | 3 | SG8 | Optional |
TCC | 4 | To specify one type of cost or charge relating to the cover. | Mandatory |
IDE | 4 | To reference the object or party that the cost or charge applies to. | Optional |
ATT | 4 | To specify coded attributes relating to the claim calculation, such as method of calculation. | Optional |
MOA | 4 | To specify monetary amounts for the claim calculation component, such as cost or charge amount, discount amount. | Optional |
PCD | 4 | To specify percentages relating to the claim calculation component, such as cost or charge discount percentage. | Optional |
FTX | 4 | To provide text information about the claim calculation component, such as explanation of cost or charge. | Optional |
SG9 | 4 | SG9 | Optional |
COT | 5 | To identify one contribution or recovery relating to the claim calculation. | Mandatory |
IDE | 5 | To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates. | Optional |
ATT | 5 | To provide coded attributes related to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status. | Optional |
MOA | 5 | To specify monetary amounts related to the contribution or recovery, such as amount of contribution to the cost charge. | Optional |
PCD | 5 | To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of contribution to the cost charge. | Optional |
RFF | 5 | To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
FTX | 5 | To provide text information about the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
SG10 | 0 | SG10 | Optional |
ICD | 1 | To identify the insurance product specified in the policy. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To provide identification numbers for the policy as specified by the intermediary, insurer and client. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes related to the policy, such as policy product code, scheme code. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates related to the policy, such as inception date, expiry date. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary amounts related to the policy, such as indemnity limit. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references related to the policy, such as policy number, policy wording version number. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To provide the response to coded questions relating to the policy. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text information related to the policy. | Optional |
SG11 | 0 | SG11 | Optional |
DOC | 1 | To specify one type of document which is external to the message. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To reference a party or object to which the document relates. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the document, such as document status code. | Optional |
ADR | 1 | To specify addresses relating to the document, such as place of issue. | Optional |
EFI | 1 | To specify a link to an external file that is related to the document. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references relating to the document, such as document reference, previous document reference. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates relating to the document, such as date requested, date received. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the document. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To specify the response to coded questions relating to the document. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | To specify quantities relating to the document, such as number of pages, number of copies. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text information about the document, such as document description. | Optional |
SG12 | 0 | SG12 | Optional |
PNA | 1 | To identify one party related to a claim described within this message. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To specify identification numbers for the party which are used to link the party to other entities within the message. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes related to the party, such as value added tax status code, marital status code. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates related to the party, such as date of birth, date of death. | Optional |
MEA | 1 | To provide measurements relating to the party, such as level of blood alcohol. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references related to the party, such as value added tax registration number. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To provide the response to coded questions about the party. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages related to the party, such as party proportion of risk. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text information relating to the party. | Optional |
SG13 | 1 | SG13 | Optional |
COD | 2 | Provides a coded identification of one type of input or output component related to the party. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To provide identification numbers for the party component that may be used to link the component to other entities. | Optional |
ADR | 2 | To specify address details for a party. | Optional |
FII | 2 | To provide a set of financial account details for a party. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the party component, such as offence code, type of blood alcohol test code. | Optional |
COM | 2 | To provide communication details relating to a party component, such as telephone and fax numbers at address. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates relating to the party component, such as start date at address, length of sentence. | Optional |
EMP | 2 | To provide one set of employment details for a party. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the party component, such as fine amount. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To provide the response to coded questions relating to the party component. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities relating to the party component, such as total licence penalty points. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references relating to the party component, such as conviction reference, financial account number. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide text information relating to the party component, such as offence description, employment description. | Optional |
SG14 | 0 | SG14 | Optional |
ROD | 1 | To identify one risk object that is the subject of the claim. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To provide identification numbers for the risk object that may be used to link the object to other entities within the message, such as cover. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify reference numbers for the risk object, such as vehicle identification number, chassis number. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the risk object, such as sum insured, replacement value. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages relating to the risk object. | Optional |
TAX | 1 | To specify tax/fee details relating to the risk object. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates relating to the risk object, such as date first registered, date inspected. | Optional |
LOC | 1 | To specify a place/location related to the risk object. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the risk object, such as body type code, nature of occupancy. | Optional |
MEA | 1 | To specify measurements relating to the risk object, such as length, width, floor area. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | To specify quantities relating to the risk object, such as number of occupants, number of seats. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To provide the response to coded questions about the risk object. | Optional |
RTE | 1 | To specify rate details relating to the risk object. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text descriptions relating to the risk object, such as object description, business usage of building description. | Optional |
SG15 | 1 | SG15 | Optional |
TCC | 2 | To identify one charge or cost related to the risk object. To identify one charge or cost related to the risk object. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To reference a party to whom the charge relates. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge, such as tax amount, discount amount. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide text descriptions relating to the cost or charge. | Optional |
SG16 | 2 | SG16 | Optional |
COT | 3 | To identify one contribution or recovery related to the cost or charge. | Mandatory |
IDE | 3 | To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates. | Optional |
ATT | 3 | To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery status code. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery, such as contribution or recovery amount. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery, such as percentage of insurer's responsibility. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide text descriptions relating to the contribution or recovery. | Optional |
SG17 | 1 | SG17 | Optional |
COD | 2 | Provides a coded identification of one type of component related to the risk object. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To provide identification numbers for the risk object component which may be used to link the component to other entities. | Optional |
ADR | 2 | To specify addresses relating to the risk object. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the risk object component, such as severity of damage code, security device code. | Optional |
COM | 2 | To specify communication numbers for the address, such as telephone, fax numbers. | Optional |
DAM | 2 | To specify the damage to the risk object. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates relating to the risk object component, such as start date at address. | Optional |
MEA | 2 | To specify measurements relating to the risk object component. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the risk object component, such as pre-incident value, resultant value. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To specify percentages relating to the risk object component, such as percentage of under insurance, percentage of cost allocation. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To specify the response to coded questions relating to the risk object component. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities relating to the risk object component. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references relating to the risk object component. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide text information for the risk object component, such as specialist valuation description, explanation of a video image. | Optional |
SG18 | 2 | SG18 | Optional |
TCC | 3 | To identify one charge relating to the loss or damage. | Mandatory |
IDE | 3 | To reference a party to whom this cost or charge relates. | Optional |
ATT | 3 | To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge component, such as tax amount, discount amount. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge component, such as cost or charge discount percentage. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide text information about the cost or charge component. | Optional |
SG19 | 3 | SG19 | Optional |
COT | 4 | To identify one contribution or recovery component relating to the risk object component cost or charge. | Mandatory |
IDE | 4 | To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates. | Optional |
ATT | 4 | To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery status code. | Optional |
MOA | 4 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery amount. | Optional |
PCD | 4 | To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as percentage of insurer's liability. | Optional |
RFF | 4 | To provide references relating to the contribution or recovery component. | Optional |
FTX | 4 | To provide text information about the contribution or recovery component. | Optional |
SG20 | 2 | SG20 | Optional |
IMD | 3 | To identify one part or task that relates to the risk object loss/damage component. | Mandatory |
IDE | 3 | To reference a party that relates to this part or task such as service provider. | Optional |
ATT | 3 | To specify coded attributes relating to the part or task item, such as paint system code, category of labour code. | Optional |
DTM | 3 | To specify dates relating to the part or task item, such as task/service start date. | Optional |
MEA | 3 | To specify measurements relating to the part or task item, such as tyre pressure, tyre tread depth. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages relating to the part or task. | Optional |
QRS | 3 | To specify the response to coded questions about the part or task item. | Optional |
QTY | 3 | To specify quantities relating to the part or task. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To specify references relating to the part or task. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide text information relating to the part or task, such as evidence of personal injury. | Optional |
SG21 | 3 | SG21 | Optional |
TCC | 4 | To identify one charge related to the part or task item. | Mandatory |
IDE | 4 | To reference a party to whom this cost or charge relates. | Optional |
ATT | 4 | To specify coded attributes relating to the cost or charge, such as method of calculation. | Optional |
MOA | 4 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the cost or charge component, such as tax amount, discount amount. | Optional |
PCD | 4 | To specify percentages relating to the cost or charge component, such as cost or charge discount percentage. | Optional |
FTX | 4 | To provide text information about the cost or charge component. | Optional |
SG22 | 4 | SG22 | Optional |
COT | 5 | To identify one contribution or recovery component relating to the risk object cost or charge. | Mandatory |
IDE | 5 | To reference a party to whom this contribution or recovery relates. | Optional |
ATT | 5 | To specify coded attributes relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery status code. | Optional |
MOA | 5 | To provide monetary amounts relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as contribution or recovery amount. | Optional |
PCD | 5 | To specify percentages relating to the contribution or recovery component, such as percentage of insurer's responsibility. | Optional |
RFF | 5 | To specify references relating to the contribution or recovery component. | Optional |
FTX | 5 | To provide text information relating to the contribution or recovery component. | Optional |
SG23 | 0 | SG23 | Optional |
PRC | 1 | To identify one action related to the claim. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To reference parties related to the claim. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the action, such as assessment report type, manner of settlement. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates related to the action, such as date of report, date inspection to be performed. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary amounts related to the action, such as settlement amount. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To provide the response to coded questions about the action. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references related to the action, such as instructor's assessment reference, assessor's assessment reference. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text information about the action, such as progress description, verdict description. | Optional |
SG24 | 0 | SG24 | Optional |
SEQ | 1 | Identifies the sequence of this period of previous insurance. | Mandatory |
IDE | 1 | To reference parties related to this period of insurance history. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the previous insurance history, such as policy class. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates relating to the period of insurance history, such as inception date, expiry date. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references relating to the period of previous insurance history, such as policy number. | Optional |
SG25 | 1 | SG25 | Optional |
COD | 2 | To identify one prior loss that relates to the period of previous insurance. | Mandatory |
IDE | 2 | To reference party numbers for the prior loss as specified by the intermediary, insurer and client. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the prior loss, such as loss type, incident type. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates relating to the prior loss, such as loss date, settlement date. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the prior loss, such as loss amount. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To specify the response to coded questions relating to the prior loss. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references for the prior loss, such as insurer’s historical claim reference. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide free text about the prior loss, such as prior loss description. | Optional |
UNT | 0 | A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. | Mandatory |