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Nachricht IFTDGN: D

BeschreibungDangerous goods notification message


UNH0A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Dangerous goods notification message is IFTDGN. Note: Dangerous goods notification messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IFTDGN D A UNMandatory
BGM0A segment to indicate the beginning of the message by identifying the message by a document/message number. It is recommended to sequentially number the messages relating to the same conveyance/voyage of the means of transport. Update (change or replace) messages can be accommodated using Message function code together with the Reference to previous message (in RFF segment) quoting the document/message number of the message being updated by this message.Mandatory
DTM0A segment to indicate a date and time applying to the whole message, such as date and time of document/message issue.Optional
FTX0A segment to give information on the changes in the message in case of changes to previously sent message. The text subject to be qualified: Change informationOptional
HAN0A segment to report a handling operation to be taken on the hazardous cargo. (Some ports oblige the agents to report only one handling operation of hazardous cargo per IFTDGN message).Optional
RFF1A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message. The reference to be qualified: Carrier's agent reference number Freight forwarders reference number Reference to previous messageMandatory
DTM1A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference.Optional
TDT1A segment to indicate the transport information related to the visit of a means of transport in the port. The transport details to be specified: Main transportMandatory
DTM1A segment to indicate date(s) and time(s) related to the transport stage.Optional
RFF1A segment to indicate the transport licence reference number(s) of the main transport.Optional
LOC2A segment to indicate locations related to the arrival of the means of transport including port of discharge, port of origin as well as berths.Mandatory
DTM2A segment to specify estimated date(s) and time(s) of arrival at, and departure from the location.Optional
NAD1A segment to identify a party's name, address and function relevant to the entire message. The functions to be qualified: Carrier either Carrier's agent or Freight forwarder Remark: the place of this segment group in the message is derived from the single consignment based (IFTMxx) messages (and not the IFCSUM message). e.g.: Message recipient, Message sender, Acknowledgement recipient, Notify party (in case of calamity).Mandatory
CTA2A segment to identify a person or department within a party.Mandatory
COM2A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed, e.g. e- mail number, telefax number, telephone number.Optional
EQD1A segment to specify the equipment identification and the equipment size and type of the equipment used in the transport. The equipment to be qualified: Barge, lighter Container TrailerMandatory
MEA1A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, associated with the equipment. The measurement to be qualified: Maximum payload (of the barge)Optional
SEL1A segment to identify the seal(s) and seal issuer associated with the equipment.Optional
CNI1A segment to identify the consignment and to indicate whether the consignment is to be loaded, discharged or in transit.Mandatory
HAN1A segment to report a handling operation to be taken on the hazardous cargo of the consignment. Some ports allow to report one handling operation of hazardous cargo per consignment in the IFTDGN message.Optional
DTM1A segment to indicate time and date of the load or discharge operation. The date/time to be qualified: Date/time of operation Estimated date/time of arrival Estimated date/time of departureOptional
LOC1A segment to indicate locations related to the arrival of a consignment. The location to be qualified: place/port of loading place/port of discharge berth (as the place where the discharge/load/in transit action is to take place) warehouse (as the place where the consignment will be stored)Optional
TDT2A segment to indicate the transport information related to the arrival (pre-carriage) or the departure (on-carriage) of the consignment. The transport details to be specified: Pre-carriage On-carriageMandatory
RFF2A segment to indicate the transport licence number(s) of the pre- or on- carriage transport.Optional
LOC3A segment to specify a location related to the pre- carriage and on-carriage of the consignment.Mandatory
DTM3A segment to specify the date(s) and time(s) related to the arrival and departure of the consignment.Optional
NAD2A segment to identify a party's name and address relevant to the consignment. The function to be qualified: Consignor either Carrier's agent or Freight forwarderMandatory
CTA3A segment to identify a person or a department within the party.Mandatory
COM3A segment to identify a communication number of the contact to whom communication should be directed.Optional
RFF2A segment to express a reference for the consignment related to the party. The reference to be qualified: Carrier's agent reference number Freight forwarders reference numberOptional
GID2A segment to identify a goods item within the consignment and to indicate the heading of a goods item with the number of packages.Mandatory
FTX2A segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the goods item. The text subject to be qualified: Description of goods RemarksOptional
PCI2A segment to specify marks and numbers of the goods item.Optional
SGP3A segment to identify the equipment (such as barge identification) in which the goods are transported.Mandatory
MEA3A segment to specify measurements of that portion of the goods item in the equipment.Optional
DGS3A segment to indicate the dangerous goods regulation information, e.g. IMO code, UNDG number, dangerous goods class, packing group.Mandatory
FTX3A segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the dangerous goods. The text subject to be qualified (each qualifier may occur only once): Dangerous goods technical name Dangerous goods additional informationMandatory
MEA3A segment to specify a measurement of the dangerous part of the goods item. The measurement to be qualified: Net weight Gross weightMandatory
LOC3A segment to indicate the cell location on board of the means of transport.Optional
RFF3A segment by which the declaring party can refer to (a) number(s) of approval concerning exceptions on the existing hazardous goods regulation, obtained from the responsible authority.Optional
SGP4A segment to identify the equipment (such as container number, barge identification, trailer identification) in which the dangerous goods is placed and the number of packages in that equipment.Mandatory
LOC4A segment to indicate the cell location on board of the means of transport, for each equipment in which dangerous cargo is stored.Optional
MEA4A segment to specify a measurement of a placement in the equipment. The transport measurements to be qualified include: Net weight Gross weightOptional
UNT0A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.Mandatory