Segment | Ebene | Beschreibung | Opt/Mand. |
UNH | 0 | A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Motor insurance policy message is IPPOMO. Note: Motor insurance policy messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 IPPOMO D A UN | Mandatory |
BGM | 0 | To specify the type of transaction contained within the message. | Mandatory |
GEI | 0 | To indicate whether the transaction should be processed as a temporary or permanent change to the policy. | Optional |
ATT | 0 | To provide coded attributes that describe the type of business transaction, such as 'Quotation Type'. | Optional |
CTA | 0 | To provide contact information for a party who provided authorisation for the business transaction. | Optional |
RFF | 0 | To provide references for the transaction, such as 'Quote Authorisation Reference', 'Broker Transaction Reference', 'Insurer Transaction Reference' etc. | Optional |
QTY | 0 | To identify the total number of transactions in a set of related transactions for one risk or policy. | Optional |
SEQ | 0 | To identify the sequence number of this transaction in a set of transactions for one risk or policy. | Optional |
DTM | 0 | To provide dates for the transaction, such as 'Response Date', 'Transaction Date', 'Transaction Expiry Date'. | Optional |
SG1 | 0 | SG1 | Optional |
PNA | 1 | To identify a software supplier that provided software used in the creation of the business transaction as well as the transaction originator and addressee. | Mandatory |
QRS | 1 | To provide declarations about the software supplier, such as accreditation. | Optional |
SG2 | 1 | SG2 | Optional |
RFF | 2 | Contains a reference to identify a software component or product. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates for the software component, such as 'Date Installed' and 'Date Effective'. | Optional |
SG3 | 0 | SG3 | Optional |
ICD | 1 | Identifies an insurance package, product or scheme. | Mandatory |
RFF | 1 | To specify identification numbers for the policy, such as 'Broker Risk Reference' and 'Insurer's Policy Number'. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | Contains dates relating to the insurance policy, such as 'Inception Date', 'Expiry Date', 'Renewal Date'. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | Contains coded attributes relating to the policy, such as 'Policy Accounting Type', 'Policy Status', 'Cancellation Reason'. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages relating to the policy, such as 'Brokerage Percent', 'Percentage of Co-insurance'. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary values relating to the policy, such as 'Maximum Value At Any One Location', 'Commission Amount'. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To specify declarations for the policy, such as 'Is the policy renewable?', 'Is the broker the holding broker?'. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | To specify quantities relating to the policy, such as 'Number Of Drivers Covered', 'Maximum Number Of Vehicles At Any One Location'. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To specify policy endorsements and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text; and to provide text descriptions. | Optional |
SG4 | 1 | SG4 | Optional |
DOC | 2 | Provides details of a document needed to support the business transaction. | Mandatory |
ATT | 2 | To provide coded attributes that relate to the document, such as whether the document is open or closed. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide a text description of the document. | Optional |
SG5 | 2 | SG5 | Optional |
PCC | 3 | To identify one premium or component that applies to the policy, such as 'Gross Premium', 'Policy Excess'. | Mandatory |
GEI | 3 | Provides a coded indication of how the premium component group is to be processed, such as 'Added', 'Deleted', 'Replaced'. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | Contains monetary values associated with the premium component, such as 'Gross Premium', 'Base Premium', 'Loading or Discount Amount'. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | Contains percentages associated with the premium component, such as 'Loading or Discount Percentage'. | Optional |
QTY | 3 | Contains quantities associated with the premium component, such as 'Loading or Discount Points'. | Optional |
DTM | 3 | Contains dates associated with the premium component, such as 'Review Date'. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To specify policy endorsements and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text. | Optional |
SG6 | 3 | SG6 | Optional |
ATT | 4 | To identify the type of excess, such as 'Compulsory', 'Voluntary'. | Mandatory |
PCD | 4 | To specify the amount of excess as a percentage. | Optional |
MOA | 4 | Contains monetary values associated with the excess, such as 'Excess Amount', 'Maximum Excess Amount', 'Minimum Excess Amount'. | Optional |
FTX | 4 | To describe the reason for the excess. | Optional |
SG7 | 0 | SG7 | Optional |
PNA | 1 | To provide the name details of one party related to the policy, such as 'Insurer', 'Broker', 'Insured' and 'Driver'. | Mandatory |
GEI | 1 | Contains a coded indication of how the party is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes for the party, such as 'Gender', 'Marital Status', 'Legal Status', 'VAT Status'. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify the percentage of liability for Value Added Tax (VAT or TVA). | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify references associated with the party, such as 'VAT registration number', 'SIRENE code'. | Optional |
EMP | 1 | To specify occupations or trades for the party. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | Contains dates associated with the party, such as 'Birth date', 'Date of national residency', 'Registered disabled date'. | Optional |
MEM | 1 | To specify details of professional bodies to which the party belongs, such as motoring organisations. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | Contains quantities associated with the party, such as 'Number of children', 'Number of vehicles owned', 'Number of vehicles accessible'. | Optional |
REL | 1 | To specify the relationship of the party to the proposer. | Optional |
LOC | 1 | To specify the place of birth of the party. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | Contains declarations made by the party, such as 'Any convictions?', 'Any claims?', 'Any disabilities?'. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide a text description where any of the party's coded attributes indicate that text will be provided. | Optional |
SG8 | 1 | SG8 | Optional |
ADR | 2 | To specify details of one address for the party. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | Contains the date that the party was established at the address. | Optional |
SG9 | 1 | SG9 | Optional |
CTA | 2 | To identify one contact for a party. | Mandatory |
COM | 2 | To provide details of communication numbers for a contact. | Optional |
SG10 | 1 | SG10 | Optional |
EVE | 2 | To identify one event that has relevance to a party's insurance history. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Contains a coded indication of how the historical event is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | Contains declarations about the historical event, such as 'Claim made for loss?' and 'Was no claims bonus affected?'. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | Contains references related to the historical event, such as 'Claim number', 'Broker loss reference'. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | Contains coded attributes related to the historical event, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'. | Optional |
ICD | 2 | To specify the cover that applied at the time of the historical event. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To provide details of monetary amounts relating to the historical event, such as 'Claim Amount', 'Fine Amount'. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates related to the historical event, such as 'Loss Date', 'Conviction Date'. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities related to the historical event, such as 'Conviction Penalty Points', 'Total Licence Penalty Points'. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To provide percentages related to the historical event, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility', 'Percentage of Disability'. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide text descriptions relating to the historical event. | Optional |
SG11 | 2 | SG11 | Optional |
PNA | 3 | To identify one party that played a role in a historical claim, such as insurer and broker. | Mandatory |
ADR | 3 | To provide an address for a party related to the historical claim. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To provide references for the party and the historical claim. | Optional |
CTA | 3 | To specify a contact at the party who handles the historical claim. | Optional |
COM | 3 | To provide communication numbers for the historical claim party. | Optional |
SG12 | 1 | SG12 | Optional |
DOC | 2 | To identify one licence held by a party. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | Contains dates related to the licence, such as 'Issue Date', 'Expiry Date'. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded restrictions that apply to a licence. | Optional |
LOC | 2 | To indicate the location of the authority that issued the licence. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide a text description of the licence. | Optional |
SG13 | 0 | SG13 | Optional |
PYT | 1 | To specify one payment plan. | Mandatory |
DTM | 1 | Contains dates related to the payment plan, such as 'Instalment Start Date', 'Instalment Payment day-of-month'. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | Contains coded attributes related to the payment, such as 'Payment method', 'Collection Responsibility'. | Optional |
FII | 1 | To identify the financial account from which payment is being made. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | Contains references related to the payment plan, such as 'Instalment Agreement Number'. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages related to the payment, such as 'Interest Rate', 'Early Payment Discount'. | Optional |
SG14 | 1 | SG14 | Optional |
PNA | 2 | Identifies one party making payments. | Mandatory |
ADR | 2 | Contains the address of the party making payment, or the address of the payer's bank. | Optional |
SG15 | 1 | SG15 | Optional |
MOA | 2 | The monetary value of a payment. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | Contains the date or dates when the payment or instalments are due. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | Contains the payment method for a particular payment, if different from the main payment method for the payment plan, as may occur with the first payment. | Optional |
SG16 | 2 | SG16 | Optional |
TAX | 3 | To identify one premium tax, fee or commission. | Mandatory |
MOA | 3 | To provide monetary values for the premium addition or deduction as well as the base premium. | Optional |
LOC | 3 | To specify the location of the tax authority. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify the premium addition or deduction as a percentage. | Mandatory |
SG17 | 0 | SG17 | Mandatory |
ROD | 1 | To specify one vehicle or a category of vehicles (for fleets). | Mandatory |
GEI | 1 | Contains a coded indication of how the vehicle is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
RFF | 1 | To specify reference numbers related to the vehicle, such as 'Registration Number', 'VIN Number', 'Engine Number'. | Optional |
DTM | 1 | To specify dates related to the vehicle, such as 'First Registered Date', 'Date Purchased'. | Optional |
ATT | 1 | To specify coded attributes relating to the vehicle, such as 'Fuel Type', 'Body Type', 'Owner Code', 'Colour Code'. | Optional |
QTY | 1 | To specify quantities related to the vehicle, such as 'Number of Seats', 'Odometer Reading', 'Engine Power'. | Optional |
MOA | 1 | To specify monetary values relating to the vehicle, such as 'Market Value', 'Paid Value', 'Agreed Value'. | Optional |
MEA | 1 | To specify measurements relating to the vehicle, such as 'Maximum Movement Height and Depth'. | Optional |
ADR | 1 | To specify addresses or locations where the vehicle is garaged, kept and used. | Optional |
PCD | 1 | To specify percentages relating to the vehicle, such as 'Premium Rate per Vehicle'. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To provide declarations about the vehicle, such as 'Hazardous Goods Carried?', 'Vehicle Used For Transportation of Employees Only?'. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide additional textual information relating to the vehicle where it has been inadequately described by code. | Optional |
SG18 | 1 | SG18 | Optional |
PNA | 2 | To identify one party that has an interest in a vehicle. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Coded indication of how the interested party should be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
ADR | 2 | To specify the address of the interested party. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | Contains a description of the interest. | Optional |
SG19 | 1 | SG19 | Optional |
EQD | 2 | To identify one security device. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Coded indication of how the security device is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes relating to the security device, such as 'Accreditation Code', 'Installer Status'. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify the installation date. | Optional |
PNA | 2 | To identify parties that manufactured and installed the security device. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To provide coded declarations relating to the security device, such as 'Security Device Certificate Seen by Broker?'. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references relating to the security device, such 'Certificate Reference'. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide additional textual information about the security device. | Optional |
SG20 | 1 | SG20 | Optional |
DOC | 2 | To identify one type of insurance certificate or declaration. | Mandatory |
ATT | 2 | To specify the reason for issue of an insurance certificate or declaration. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify start and end dates for the certificate and dates upon which the declaration must be made. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To specify a percentage for the certificate. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide textual information about the certificate or declaration. | Optional |
SG21 | 1 | SG21 | Optional |
EVE | 2 | To identify one previous claim that has relevance to the vehicle's insurance cover. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Contains a coded indication of how the claim group is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | Contains coded declarations about the previous claim, such as 'Claim made for loss?' and 'Was No Claims Bonus affected?'. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | Contains references related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Claim Number', 'Broker Loss Reference'. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | Contains coded attributes related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'. | Optional |
ICD | 2 | To specify the cover that applied to the vehicle at the time of the claim. | Optional |
MOA | 2 | To provide details of monetary amounts relating to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Loss Amount', 'Claim Amount'. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Incident date', 'Claim Paid Date'. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities related to the vehicle's claim. | Optional |
PCD | 2 | To provide percentages related to the vehicle's claim, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility'. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide additional text description relating to the vehicle's claim. | Optional |
SG22 | 2 | SG22 | Optional |
PNA | 3 | To identify one party that played a role in the vehicle's claim, such as insurer and broker. | Mandatory |
ADR | 3 | To provide an address for a party related to the previous claim. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To provide references for the party and the previous claim. | Optional |
CTA | 3 | To specify a contact at the party who handles the claim. | Optional |
COM | 3 | To provide communication numbers for the previous claim party. | Optional |
SG23 | 1 | SG23 | Optional |
ICD | 2 | To identify one insurance cover that applies to a vehicle. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Contains a coded indication of how this cover is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates for the cover, such as 'Commencement Date', 'Expiry Date'. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references for the cover, such as 'Cover Reference', 'Add-On Policy Number'. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | To specify coded attributes of the cover, such as 'Class of Use'. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To specify coded declarations about the cover, such as 'Foreign Use Included?', 'Cover Excluded?'. | Optional |
QTY | 2 | To specify limits of cover by quantity, such as 'Number Of Seats', 'Maximum Number Of Drivers'. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide descriptions and wordings for the cover. | Optional |
SG24 | 2 | SG24 | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To identify and specify one monetary value related to the insurance cover. | Mandatory |
PCD | 3 | To specify the percentage related to the previous MOA segment if it was used to indicate commission or tax. | Optional |
LOC | 3 | To indicate the country in which tax is payable. | Optional |
SG25 | 2 | SG25 | Optional |
ROD | 3 | To identify one additional or add-on risk. | Mandatory |
GEI | 3 | Contains a coded indication of how this additional risk is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary values relating to the additional risk, such as 'Value', 'Sum Insured'. | Optional |
SG26 | 2 | SG26 | Optional |
COD | 3 | To identify a set of premium calculation components. | Mandatory |
GEI | 3 | Contains a coded indication of how the set of premium calculation components should be processed, such as 'Replace Set', 'Add Set' or 'Delete Set'. | Optional |
SG27 | 3 | SG27 | Optional |
PCC | 4 | To identify one premium calculation component. | Mandatory |
GEI | 4 | A coded indication of how the premium calculation component is to be processed. | Optional |
MOA | 4 | To specify monetary values related to the premium component, such as 'Base Premium', 'Premium Component Value'. | Optional |
PCD | 4 | To specify a premium component as a percentage. | Optional |
QRS | 4 | To specify declarations about the premium component when it is a condition or endorsement, such as 'Has Condition Been Met?', 'Brokers Wording Used?'. | Optional |
QTY | 4 | To specify the premium components as a number of units. | Optional |
DTM | 4 | To specify dates related to the premium component or condition, such as start and end date. | Optional |
FTX | 4 | To specify endorsements to the cover and to convey text variables with which to complete the endorsement text. | Optional |
SG28 | 4 | SG28 | Optional |
PNA | 5 | To identify one driver for which amended cover applies. | Mandatory |
ICD | 5 | To specify details of the amended cover for the driver identified by the previous PNA segment. | Optional |
SG29 | 4 | SG29 | Optional |
ATT | 5 | To identify one type of excess. | Mandatory |
PCD | 5 | Contains details of the excess when expressed as a percentage. | Optional |
MOA | 5 | Contains monetary amounts related to the excess, such as 'Excess Value', 'Minimum Excess Amount', 'Maximum Excess Amount'. | Optional |
FTX | 5 | To provide free format or coded text for the excess. | Optional |
SG30 | 2 | SG30 | Optional |
PNA | 3 | To identify one party associated with the cover. | Mandatory |
GEI | 3 | Contains a coded indication of how the party associated with the cover is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To specify references related to the party, such as 'Policy Number', 'Assistance Contract Number', 'Previous Policy Number'. | Optional |
DTM | 3 | To specify dates related to the party associated to the cover, such as 'Start Date', 'End Date'. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary values related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Premium Amount', 'Cover Limit'. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Percentage of Driving Time'. | Optional |
QTY | 3 | To specify quantities related to the party associated with the cover, such as 'Number of Previous Claims'. | Optional |
QRS | 3 | To specify declarations about the party associated with the cover, such as 'Party is main Driver under this cover?', 'Party Is Excluded from this cover?'. | Optional |
REL | 3 | To specify the relationship that this party has with the proposer. | Optional |
SG31 | 2 | SG31 | Optional |
EVE | 3 | To identify one claim that has been made against the insurance cover. | Mandatory |
GEI | 3 | Contains a coded indication of how the claim is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy, such as 'Added', 'Deleted' or 'Changed'. | Optional |
ATT | 3 | Contains coded attributed relating to the claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'. | Optional |
DTM | 3 | To specify dates related to the date, such as 'Incident Date', 'Claim Date'. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Value', 'Amount Paid'. | Optional |
PCD | 3 | To specify percentages related to the claim, such as 'Percentage of Responsibility'. | Optional |
QRS | 3 | To specify declarations about the claim, such as 'Bonus/Malus Affected?', 'Claim Fully Settled?'. | Optional |
QTY | 3 | To specify quantities relating to the claim. | Optional |
RFF | 3 | To provide references relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Number'. | Optional |
PCC | 3 | To specify premium components that this claim gave rise to. | Optional |
LOC | 3 | To specify the location of the incident. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide additional text information about the claim. | Optional |
SG32 | 3 | SG32 | Optional |
PNA | 4 | To identify one party for the claim, such as broker and insurer. | Mandatory |
ADR | 4 | To provide the address for the party associated with the claim. | Optional |
RFF | 4 | To specify references for the party and the claim. | Optional |
CTA | 4 | To specify a contact at the party who handles the claim. | Optional |
COM | 4 | To provide communication numbers for the claim party. | Optional |
UNS | 0 | A mandatory service segment placed before the first user segment in the detail section to avoid segment collision. | Mandatory |
SG33 | 0 | SG33 | Mandatory |
DTM | 1 | To specify the duration of one period of fleet experience. | Mandatory |
RFF | 1 | To specify references related to the fleet experience, such as 'Insurer's Policy Number', 'Broker's Risk Reference'. | Optional |
QRS | 1 | To specify declarations for the fleet experience, such as 'Is claims history confirmed?', 'Is foreign use included?'. | Optional |
FTX | 1 | To provide text details of why the claims history is unconfirmed (if appropriate). | Optional |
SG34 | 1 | SG34 | Optional |
PNA | 2 | To identify one party relating to the fleet experience, such as insurer and broker. | Mandatory |
ADR | 2 | To provide address details for the party. | Optional |
CTA | 2 | To provide a contact name for the party that handles the fleet experience. | Optional |
COM | 2 | To provide communication numbers for the party. | Optional |
SG35 | 1 | SG35 | Optional |
GEI | 2 | Coded indication of whether the breakdown figures should be processed as being the same as at the date of the previous fleet experience or as being updated. | Mandatory |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Calculated To Date', 'Event Date of Last Claim Included'. | Mandatory |
QTY | 2 | To specify quantities relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Total Claims Reported', 'Claims Reported Outstanding Number'. | Mandatory |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the fleet experience, such as 'Claims Paid and Outstanding Cost', 'Claims Outstanding Cost'. | Optional |
SG36 | 2 | SG36 | Optional |
ICD | 3 | To identify one type of insurance cover. | Mandatory |
ATT | 3 | To specify coded attributes relating to the fleet experience cover breakdown, such as 'Type of Excess Applying', 'Excess Application Code'. | Optional |
MOA | 3 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the cover breakdown, such as 'Excess Value', 'Claims Cost Paid'. | Mandatory |
QTY | 3 | To specify quantities relating to the cover breakdown, such as 'Number of Claims', 'Number of Claims Outstanding'. | Optional |
FTX | 3 | To provide additional description of the cover. | Optional |
SG37 | 1 | SG37 | Optional |
EVE | 2 | To identify one claim. | Mandatory |
GEI | 2 | Coded indication of how this claim is to be processed if the message is being used to update a policy. | Optional |
ATT | 2 | Coded attributes relating to the claim, such as 'Cause Code', 'Consequence Code'. | Optional |
DTM | 2 | To specify dates relating to the claim, such as 'Incident Date', 'Claim Date'. | Optional |
ICD | 2 | To specify the cover against which this claim was made. | Mandatory |
MOA | 2 | To specify monetary amounts relating to the claim, such as 'Claim Value', 'Paid Amount'. | Optional |
RFF | 2 | To specify references for the claim, such as 'Insurer Claim Number', 'Broker Claim Reference'. | Optional |
QRS | 2 | To specify declarations about the claim, such as 'Bonus/Malus Affected?'. | Optional |
FTX | 2 | To provide additional text details about the claim. | Optional |
UNT | 0 | A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message. | Mandatory |