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Nachricht MEDRPT: D

BeschreibungMedical service report message


UNH0A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Medical service report message is MEDRPT. Note: Medical service report messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 MEDRPT D A UNMandatory
BGM0A segment for unique identification of the message and specification of its function.Mandatory
DTM0A segment identifying the date and/or time of message generation and/or other dates and/or times concerning the whole message.Optional
FTX0A segment giving free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying information concerning the whole message.Optional
PNA1A segment for specifying the identification, name and address of involved healthcare organisations or professionals.Mandatory
ADR1A segment for specifying the address of the actual healthcare party.Optional
COM1A segment giving communication numbers for the actual healthcare party.Optional
FTX1A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying unstructured telecommunication numbers of the actual healthcare party including electronic mail address.Optional
RFF1A segment for specifying alternative identification numbers of the actual healthcare party assigned by the involved healthcare parties. This segment also keeps a reference to another party if the current party is related to another party such as department in a hospital, a physician in a department, etc.Optional
SEQ1A segment for allocating a sequence number to the individual healthcare party allowing each healthcare party to be referenced from within the message.Optional
LAN1A segment for specifying the language used by the actual healthcare party.Optional
SPR1A segment for specifying the type and medical speciality of a healthcare organisation.Optional
QUA1A segment for specifying the professional medical qualifications of a person.Optional
EMP1A segment for specifying the type, medical speciality and the position or military rank of a healthcare professional.Optional
IRQ1A segment for specifying the requirements concerning acknowledgment of the report.Mandatory
GEI1A segment for specifying the service type of the actual report, i.e. whether this is a new report, a modification to a previously issued report, etc.Mandatory
RFF1A segment for specifying the identification of the service report as provided by the service provider. This segment also keeps a reference to a healthcare party related to this service report which is specified in segment group 1.Mandatory
DTM1A segment for specifying the issue date and/or time of the report and/or other dates and/or times relevant to the report.Mandatory
STS1A segment for specifying the status of the service report, i.e. whether it is a partial report, a complete report, etc.Optional
PTY1A segment for specifying the reporting priority of the service report.Optional
LAN1A segment specifying the language of the actual report.Optional
FTX1A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying the comments of the service provider concerning the complete report and/or the reason for cancellation.Optional
TEM1A segment for specifying the reason for cancellation of the complete report.Optional
RFF2A segment for specifying the identification number of the referenced service report.Mandatory
DTM2A segment specifying the issue date and/or time of the referenced service report.Optional
FCA2A segment giving information concerning payment category for this order.Mandatory
RFF2A segment for specifying the identification number of the order allocated by various healthcare parties, such as service requester, service provider, etc. The segment is also used for referencing a related healthcare party specified in segment group 1.Mandatory
GEI2A segment to provide the service type of the service order, i.e. new order, order modification, etc.Optional
DTM2A segment specifying the dates and/or times concerning the order such as issue date of order, date of receipt, due date of report, etc.Optional
PTY2A segment specifying the requested reporting priority for the whole order.Optional
CIN2A segment for specifying the reason for request as well as comments from the requester as a diagnosis concerning this order.Optional
FTX2A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying the reason for request as well as comments from the requester concerning this order.Optional
TEM2A segment for specifying the reason for the request.Optional
DOC3A segment for specifying the document name.Mandatory
RFF3A segment for specifying the identification number of the referenced order.Mandatory
DTM3A segment for specifying the issue date and/or time of the referenced order.Optional
ATT2A segment for specifying the type of subject of investigation.Mandatory
RFF2A segment for specifying the identification numbers of the actual subject of investigation.Optional
ADR2A segment for specifying the address details of the subject of investigation.Optional
COM2A segment providing a telecommunication number of the subject or investigation.Optional
REL2A segment for specifying the association between subjects of investigation such as donor, foetus, etc. as well as the relationship of a related person to the patient.Optional
IMD2A segment for specifying the description of the material being investigated if the subject of investigation is a material.Optional
FTX2A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying additional information about the material as well as an unstructured telecommunication number of the subject of investigation.Optional
PNA2A segment for identifying the patient and related person or name by specifying various patient name details and official patient ID.Optional
DTM2A segment for specifying relevant date and/or times for the patient such as date of birth, date of death, etc.Optional
PDI2A segment for specifying demographic information such as sex, marital status and religion.Optional
NAT2A segment for specifying the nationality of a person.Optional
LAN2A segment for specifying the language used by the person.Optional
HAN2A segment for specifying the confidentiality constraints on patient data.Optional
CCI2A segment for specifying the species or breed of an animal.Optional
PAS3A segment for specifying patient administrative information such as administrative status concerning actual hospital stay or out-patient visit or ward stay related to the subject of investigation.Mandatory
LOC3A segment for specifying the physical patient care location in terms of ward, room, bed, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment for specifying admission and/or discharge date and time or start and/or end date and time of a ward stay.Optional
RFF3This segment keeps a reference to a healthcare party for specifying healthcare administrative information such as hospital, department, etc. where patient is admitted, located, etc.Optional
CAV3A segment for specifying the type of clinical information.Mandatory
CIN3A segment for specifying the type of clinical observation, description of the clinical observation itself as well as the degree of certainty concerning the clinical observation.Optional
LAN3A segment for specifying the language related to the clinical observation.Optional
DTM3A segment for specifying date and times related to the clinical information, the clinical observation itself and the origin of clinical information.Optional
FTX3A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for description of the clinical information.Optional
RFF3This segment keeps a reference to a healthcare party for specifying origin of clinical information.Optional
STS4A segment for specifying the status of the clinical investigation, e.g. preliminary results, final results, etc.Mandatory
SEQ4A segment for allocating a sequence number to a clinical investigation result item to allow referencing from within this message to a specific clinical investigation result item.Optional
GEI4A segment for specifying the service type of the clinical investigation result item, e.g. new result item.Optional
RSL4A segment for specifying the numerical value or a coded text value of a clinical investigation result item including unit of measurement, arithmetic comparator and the deviating result indicator.Optional
CCI4A segment for identifying the clinical investigation and to describe specifications to the clinical investigation.Mandatory
CIN4A segment giving a text value of a clinical investigation result item as well as a comment to the clinical investigation result item as a diagnosis.Optional
DTM4A segment for specifying relevant date and times concerning the investigation such as date and time for investigation performed, last status change and a date value of a clinical observation.Optional
FTX4A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying the text value of a clinical investigation as well as comments to the clinical investigation and the investigation result item.Optional
RFF4This segment keeps a reference to the "parent" clinical investigation result item if needed.Optional
RSL5A segment for specifying the numerical reference interval of an investigation result item and the type of reference interval.Mandatory
FTX5A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying the textual reference limits of an investigation result item.Optional
CCI5A segment for specifying a reference population, e.g. age, sex, smokers, etc.Optional
REL5A segment for specifying the type of relationship of a related healthcare service provider to the clinical investigation result item.Mandatory
RFF5A segment for specifying a reference to healthcare parties in segment group 1 where the related healthcare professional or organisation is identified.Optional
CLI4A segment for specifying the type of intervention and the intervention itself.Mandatory
IMD5A segment for identifying a drug.Mandatory
DSG5A segment for specifying the dosage and administration specifications of a drug.Optional
FTX5A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying dosage and administration specification of a drug.Optional
INP5A segment for specifying the dosage regime.Optional
SEQ3A segment for allocating a sequence number to the sample to allow referencing from within this message to a specific sample.Mandatory
IMD3A segment for specifying the characteristics of a sample like type of sample, anatomical origin and sample preservation material.Mandatory
PRC3A segment for specifying information about type of collection procedure and subsequent handling of the sample.Optional
RFF3A segment for specifying the identification numbers of the actual sample allocated by service requester and service provider. This segment also keeps a reference to healthcare parties related to this actual sample such as the sample collector and sample collection location. This segment in addition keeps a reference to the "parent" sample if this sample is part of or derived from another sample.Optional
QTY3A segment for specifying information about sample volume or weight.Optional
DTM3A segment for specifying relevant dates and times concerning the sample such as start and/or end date and time or period for sample collection, sample receipt date and time, etc.Optional
PAC3A segment specifying the number of sample containers this sample consists of.Optional
FTX3A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, expressing the comments of the sample collector, the comments of the requester or service provider to the sample, anatomical origin of sample, sample location description, etc.Optional
TDT3A segment for specifying the transport logistics of the collected sample.Optional
HAN3A segment for specifying sample handling warning.Optional
LOC3A segment for specifying the location for sample collection in terms of hospital ward, room and bed number.Optional
ADR3A segment for specifying the address for the sample collection.Optional
CLI4A segment for describing the pre-treatment administered.Mandatory
IMD4A segment for specifying the substance administered for pre-treatment.Optional
DSG4A segment for specifying the route of administration of the pre-treatment.Optional
DTM4A segment for specifying relevant date and times for the pre-treatment like start, end or duration of administration.Optional
FTX4A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for describing the pre-treatment.Optional
QTY4A segment for specifying amount of substance administered.Optional
INP4A segment for specifying the dosage regime.Optional
LIN3A segment for specifying the line number of the laboratory investigation result item.Mandatory
GEI3A segment for specifying the service type of the result of this investigation, e.g. new result, corrected result, etc.Mandatory
RSL3A segment for specifying the numerical value or a coded text value of an investigation result item including unit of measurement, arithmetic comparator and the deviating result indicator.Optional
CCI3A segment for specifying the characteristics of the investigation. The characteristics may concern system, component or property examined as well as method of measurement, etc.Mandatory
CIN3A segment for specifying the result of an investigation or comments to a result item as a diagnosis.Optional
SEQ3A segment for allocating a sequence number to this result item to allow for referencing from within this message to a specific result item.Optional
STS3A segment for specifying the status of an investigation or investigation result item, e.g. unverified result, preliminary result, etc.Optional
DTM3A segment for specifying date and times relevant for this investigation result item such as date and time of investigation performed, status change, etc. The segment may also carry the result of an investigation if this is expressed as a date or period such as clinical dates.Optional
FTX3A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying a result item as a text value as well as comments to the result item or the investigation itself.Optional
MOA3A segment for specifying the type of cost, the amount of cost and possibly currency unit used concerning the investigation.Optional
RFF3This segment keeps a reference to one or more samples related to this actual result item such as the sample(s) involved in obtaining this result item. This segment also keeps a reference to another investigation result item related to this actual investigation result item such as the investigation result item which this investigation result item is part of.Optional
EQD3A segment for specifying the measuring equipment used for obtaining this investigation result item.Optional
REL4A segment for specifying the type of relationship a service provider has to the produced investigation result item.Mandatory
RFF4This segment keeps a reference to a healthcare party (healthcare professional or healthcare organisation) which is identified in segment group 1 for specifying a related person or organisation.Optional
RSL4A segment for specifying the reference interval for the investigation and the type of reference interval such as physiological, therapeutical, etc.Mandatory
FTX4A segment with free text information, in coded or clear form, for specifying textual reference limits concerning the investigation.Optional
CCI4A segment for specifying the reference population.Optional
AUT1A segment for specifying results of an authentication procedure.Mandatory
DTM1A segment for specifying the date and time for the validity of the authentication.Optional
UNT0A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.Mandatory