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Nachricht TANSTA: D

BeschreibungTank status report message


UNH0A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Tank status report message is TANSTA. Note: Tank status report messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009: Data element 0065 TANSTA D A UNMandatory
BGM0A segment to indicate the beginning of a message and to transmit identifying number.Mandatory
DTM0A segment to indicate a date and time applying to the whole message, such as: document or message date and or timeMandatory
NAD0A segment to identify a party's name, address, and function, such as: message recipient message senderOptional
RFF1A segment to specify a reference, such as: reference to previous messageMandatory
DTM1A segment to indicate a date and or time related to the reference.Optional
TDT1A segment to specify transport details for the main carriage, such as: discharge voyage number radio call sign of the vessel nationality of the vesselMandatory
LOC1A segment to specify either the place of departure or the place of arrival for the main carriage.Mandatory
DTM1A segment to specify a date and or time related to the main carriage transport, such as: estimated date/time of departure estimated date/time of arrivalMandatory
RFF1A segment to specify a reference related to the transport details, such as: loading voyage number (if different from the voyage number assigned by the carrier or his agent in the TDT-segment).Optional
FTX1A segment to specify supplementary information related to the main carriage transport.Optional
LOC1A segment to specify the location of a tank or deadweight item on the means of transport, such as: fore peak tankMandatory
MEA1A segment to provide a measurement related to the tank or deadweight item, such as: gross weight of tank contents volume of liquid in the tank specific gravity percentage fullMandatory
DIM1A segment to specify dimensions of the deadweight item, such as: length expressed in 'longitudinal centre of gravity' width expressed in 'transverse centre of gravity (from centerline)' height expressed in 'vertical centre of gravity (from keel)'Optional
FTX1A segment to describe the actual contents of tanks, such as lubricating oil, marine fuel oil, fresh water.Optional
UNT0A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.Mandatory