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Here we find some structural validation errors that are based on the "Invoice" description of release 90.1.
The UN-documents have already a correct example in document "COR1-901.ASC".
But we use the old one as a showcase.

Error in UNA segment

The character definition of the UNA segments is wrong. The space character before the terminator is missing.
Therefore all segments are getting separated based on the "U" character, which makes no sense.
The UNA segment is not necessary and could be suppressed. Here you see the default characters that would have been used.

Segment not found

Another problem is a typo of the segment "ALL".
The last segment was "CUX" within the segment group 3.
Then we have the segment "PAT" outside of segment group 3.
But the message definition allows only the segments DTM, ALI and FTX between CUX and PAT.
It is very obvious that the ALL is a type and the ALI segment is the correct one.

Number of segments is wrong

The segment ALI was not found. This is the reason why the number of segments is 27 and not 28.